Marine Conservation

Marine Conservation

Our oceans contain 97 percent of the world’s water resources. They are rich in biodiversity and supply natural resources, food as well as active substances for medicines. Furthermore, they store energy supplies, serve as routes of transport and offer high recreational value. In short, the value of the world’s oceans is immense – in social, environmental and economic terms.

Das Wattenmeer in Niedersachsen im Sonnenuntergang.

Latest on Marine Conservation

Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke bei der Pressekonferenz
Press International | 16.01.25

BMUV, INTERPOL and WWF launch collaboration on environmental crime

The cooperation between the BMUV, INTERPOL and WWF covers environmental crime in the areas of fishing, deforestation, mining, environmental pollution and wildlife trade. The BMUV is providing five million euros for this purpose.

Press Nature and Biological Diversity | 02.11.24

CBD COP16 adopts key decisions for nature conservation

The 16th World Conference on Nature in Cali has come to an end after long negotiations. The international community has thus taken another important step towards the protection and restoration of nature.

Junger Orang-Utan sitzt im Regenwald auf einem Baum
Press International | 17.10.24

Germany steps up its global efforts for nature

In 2023, the German government provided 1.36 billion euros for the conservation of species and ecosystems in developing and emerging economies. This is an increase of more than 450 million euros compared with 2022.

Steffi Lemke spricht mit Mikrofon in der Hand
Press International | 23.04.24

UN ministers push for a strong UN instrument to combat plastic pollution

A high-level meeting of environment ministers in Ottawa, Canada concluded on Monday with a clear framework for a far-reaching global UN agreement to end plastic pollution.

Press Marine Conservation | 16.04.24

9th Our Ocean Conference

Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke has called for swift ratification of the UN BBNJ Agreement on the occasion of this year’s Our Ocean Conference in Athens.

Steffi Lemke am Rednerpult
Press International | 01.03.24

UNEA-6 resolves to better protect global water resources

UNEA-6 has taken important decisions to protect global water resources and regulate hazardous chemicals. Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke praises successes for multilateralism.

Steffi Lemke
Press International | 26.02.24

Steffi Lemke represents the German government at UNEA-6 in Nairobi

Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke is visiting Nairobi to represent Germany at UNEA-6. At the assembly, the Minister will push for sound global water resources management and sustainable chemicals management.

Ausblick über Landschaft mit dichtem Baumbewuchs
Press International | 04.12.23

COP28: How to strengthen global natural climate action?

Ministers and high-level state representatives discussed barriers and opportunities for enhancing political leadership and implementation of at-scale nature-based solutions ahead of the conclusion of the first Global Stocktake.

Steffi Lemke und eine Frau in der Menschenmenge
Press International | 28.07.23

High and lows at the meeting of the G20

For the first time, the G20 devoted special attention to forest conservation. The ministers agreed on better cooperation to protect water and combat global plastic pollution.

Press Water & Waste & Soil | 24.03.23

Foundations laid for reversal in global water trends

The World Water Conference in New York was a milestone in international water policy. The central outcome is a global action agenda for water, which includes over 660 voluntary commitments so far.

Wasser fließt in eine Hand
Press Water & Waste & Soil | 22.03.23

World Water Day 2023: For a reversal in global water policy

This year's International World Water Day is about accelerating change. Federal Environment Minister Lemke is attending the conference in New York on behalf of the German government.

Steffi Lemke
Press Water & Waste & Soil | 15.03.23

German government lays foundations for modern water management

The Federal Cabinet has adopted the National Water Strategy. In light of the noticeable impacts of the climate crisis, this strategy will usher in a new era of water transition.

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