National Water Strategy


River landscape illustrated, top right the logo for the National Water Strategy

National Water Strategy

A crisis-proof strategy for Germany's water

Water is the basis for all life and an indispensable resource for humans and the environment. However, our water resources are increasingly coming under pressure. Periods of heat and drought, heavy rain and flood events will become increasingly frequent as a result of the climate crisis. This is the new reality we have to deal with. That is why we are investing in our future today. With the National Water Strategy, together we will achieve the water transition – transforming water management in Germany. We want to ensure that access to water remains secure and affordable everywhere, in future too.

The water sector in Germany is also facing huge challenges in water conservation and the modernisation and adaptation of its infrastructure. The National Water Strategy provides a framework for modern water management in Germany and systematically ensures that water resources are used more responsibly because "We protect what we value: water". To this end, the BMUV is launching a campaign in 2024 based on three visions of water for Germany:

  • A secure supply of drinking water – access to affordable water anytime and anywhere, also in the year 2050
  • Water storage – in rural and urban areas
  • Restoration of semi-natural water regimes – nature-based solutions to prevent flooding
Farbverlauf im Batikstil grün und blau: We protect what we value: Water

Campaign spots

National Water Strategy

On the road to sustainable water management

The water strategy covers the time period up to 2050. To reach the set goals, it relies on a combination of funding, incentives, legal provisions, knowledge building and dialogue. For ten strategic issues, it describes how our approach to water can be viable for the future. In addition, in cooperation with the federal states, municipalities and other stakeholders, we are gradually implementing a programme comprising 78 specific measures.

Background information on the National Water Strategy

For the first time, the National Water Strategy brings together water-related measures across all relevant sectors: agriculture and nature conservation, administration and transport, urban development and industry. Also for the first time, all stakeholders are on board: the federal government, the federal states and municipalities and all economic sectors and groups that use water.

#WaterInAllPolicies means putting water centre stage in a range of policy areas with direct or indirect links to water. This is the only way to achieve the water transition necessary to make us water resilient in the face of the climate crisis and other challenges, and to permanently meet our need for a reliable water supply. Because "we protect what we value: water".

Publication National Water Strategy

Cover of the publication National Water Strategy
Farbverlauf im Batikstil grün und blau

International water policy

International water policy

At international level, improved international cooperation on the protection and sustainable management of water resources is urgently needed to protect the human right to clean drinking water and sanitation, and to ensure a clean environment for all. The BMUV is committed to strengthening international water policy.


Steffi Lemke
Steffi Lemke am Rednerpult
Wasser fließt in eine Hand

Policy-making in dialogue

Good environmental and consumer protection policies are achieved when they are a joint endeavour. Get in touch with us, or get involved through one of our options for dialogue.