Climate Adaptation

Climate Adaptation

The global climate crises will have far-reaching consequences for the environment, economy and human health if we do not succeed in counteracting them. What is needed is a preventative policy with measures to adapt to the already unavoidable consequences.

Efeuwände auf einem hohen Backsteinwohngebäude

Latest on Climate Adaptation

Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke bei der Pressekonferenz
Press International | 16.01.25

BMUV, INTERPOL and WWF launch collaboration on environmental crime

The cooperation between the BMUV, INTERPOL and WWF covers environmental crime in the areas of fishing, deforestation, mining, environmental pollution and wildlife trade. The BMUV is providing five million euros for this purpose.

Press International | 20.11.24

COP29: 60 million euros for the International Climate Adaptation Fund

The Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Foreign Office announced today at the World Climate Conference (COP29) that a total contribution of 60 million euro from the two ministries will be made to the Adaptation Fund.

Gesprächsrunde auf der COP29 zu Methan mit Vertretern der Länder
Press International | 20.11.24

Climate killer methane from organic waste to be reduced worldwide

Germany joins the "Declaration on the Elimination of Methane from Organic Waste" at COP29. The aim is to significantly reduce methane emissions from the agriculture, energy and waste sectors by 2030.

Ein Mann pflanzt einen Mangroven-Setzling.
Press International | 20.11.24

International projects on biodiversity and climate action

The IKI ideas competition 2024 has started. We are looking for ambitious and innovative project ideas worldwide to combat the climate crisis and protect biodiversity in developing and emerging countries.

Blick auf den Bergsee MaralGol in Aserbaidschan
Press International | 10.11.24

COP29 kicks off in Baku

At COP29, the focus will be on the implementation of the previous year's resolutions and the issue of climate financing. The “New Collective Quantified Goal” (NCQG) is intended to put this on a broader footing.

Press Nature and Biological Diversity | 02.11.24

CBD COP16 adopts key decisions for nature conservation

The 16th World Conference on Nature in Cali has come to an end after long negotiations. The international community has thus taken another important step towards the protection and restoration of nature.

Junger Orang-Utan sitzt im Regenwald auf einem Baum
Press International | 17.10.24

Germany steps up its global efforts for nature

In 2023, the German government provided 1.36 billion euros for the conservation of species and ecosystems in developing and emerging economies. This is an increase of more than 450 million euros compared with 2022.

Schichten des tropischen Regenwaldes
Press Nature and Biological Diversity | 25.06.24

Oslo Tropical Forest Forum

At the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum, the importance of international cooperation to accelerate the restoration of nature and the protection of forests was emphasized. Germany is supporting the efforts with 19 million euros.

Steffi Lemke nimmt Stellungnahme des Sachverständigenrates für Umweltfragen zur Wiederherstellung der Natur entgegen
Press Nature and Biological Diversity | 19.04.24

Minister Lemke: "Healthy nature is crucial for our foundations of life"

The German Advisory Council on the Environment presented Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke with its statement entitled "Renaturation: strengthening biodiversity and making land management sustainable".

Flagge mit COP28-Logo vor blauem Himmel
Press International | 13.12.23

COP28: Transition away from fossil fuels

At COP28 in Dubai, the global community agreed for the first time to move away from oil, gas and coal. Other goals agreed include tripling global renewable energy capacity and doubling the rate of energy efficiency by 2030.

Bundesumwelt- und Verbraucherschutzministerin Steffi Lemke
Report Climate adaptation | 13.12.23

Statement by Steffi Lemke on the conclusion of COP28

The COP28 world climate conference in Dubai has come to an end with a unanimously adopted final declaration. Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke commented on this successful conclusion.

Ausblick über Landschaft mit dichtem Baumbewuchs
Press International | 04.12.23

COP28: How to strengthen global natural climate action?

Ministers and high-level state representatives discussed barriers and opportunities for enhancing political leadership and implementation of at-scale nature-based solutions ahead of the conclusion of the first Global Stocktake.

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