Chemical Safety

Chemical Safety

We come into contact with chemicals every day. They make our lives easier, but they also can pose a threat to human health and the environment. Substances which accumulate in the human body, animals and plants and which are dispersed by air water or passed on through the food chain are particularly hazardous.
Wissenschaftler im Labor

Latest on Chemical Safety

Illustration einer Netzwerkstruktur
Report Nanotechnology | 20.12.24

Council of the EU: Test method development as a political goal

Conclusions of the Competitiveness Council and the Environment Council give strong political weight to the issue of test method development.

Steffi Lemke am Rednerpult
Press International | 01.03.24

UNEA-6 resolves to better protect global water resources

UNEA-6 has taken important decisions to protect global water resources and regulate hazardous chemicals. Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke praises successes for multilateralism.

Steffi Lemke
Press International | 26.02.24

Steffi Lemke represents the German government at UNEA-6 in Nairobi

Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke is visiting Nairobi to represent Germany at UNEA-6. At the assembly, the Minister will push for sound global water resources management and sustainable chemicals management.

Gruppenbild von der Weltchemikalienkonferenz – ICCM5
Press Chemical Safety | 30.09.23

Adoption of Global Framework on Chemicals

Bonn Declaration for global sustainable management of chemicals and waste sends strong political signal. Representatives from around the world have adopted a new Global Framework on Chemicals.

Press Chemical Safety | 24.09.23

ICCM5 opens in Bonn

The fifth World Chemicals Conference (ICCM5) will be opened in Bonn by Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke. The conference aims to establish a global commitment to safe chemical management.

Wasser fließt in eine Hand
Report Chemical Safety | 27.02.23

G7 workshop on lead poisoning reduction

Die Veranstaltung im November 2022 besuchten Expertinnen und Experten aus der ganzen Welt, die das Ziel hatten, die Bleiexposition in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen zu verringern.

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