UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP 15)

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The 15th UN Biodiversity Conference will take place from 7 to 19 December 2022 in Montréal, Canada. The conference will be officially opened on 6 December 2022. The conference is intended to bring about a trend reversal, moving from destruction to restoration of nature. The countries of the world want to agree a new global biodiversity framework (GBF) for the period until 2050 for this purpose.

The agreement is meant to address all of the factors causing biodiversity loss. These include, for example, the destruction and exploitation of nature, the change in use of land and sea, the impacts of the climate crisis, pollution and the spread of invasive species.

Latest on CBD COP 15

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  • Press International | 19.12.22

    Montreal moment for nature

    The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 15) adopts new global biodiversity framework aimed at halting the destruction of nature and reversing biodiversity loss.

  • Regenwald wird abgeholzt
    Press International | 17.12.22

    Germany and Colombia launch implementation initiative

    Global partnership aims to support countries in the swift implementation of new global biodiversity targets.

  • Press Marine Conservation | 16.12.22

    Intact oceans are prerequisite for protecting biodiversity and climate

    Marine protection and nature-friendly use of the oceans are also a priority at the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montréal, Canada. Over 70 percent of our planet is covered by ocean.

  • Bundesministerin Steffi Lemke
    Speech Species Protection | 15.12.22

    National Statement by Steffi Lemke at the Global Biodiversity Conference

    Federal Minister Steffi Lemke made a National Statement at the World Conference on Nature. She stresses the urgency of adopting a new global agreement to stop the destruction of nature.

  • Steffi Lemke bei der Weltnaturkonferenz in Montreal
    Press Nature and Biological Diversity | 15.12.22

    Incorporating nature conservation into into corporate decisions

    Federal Environment Ministry supports a project for nature-related risk management and disclosure practices in developing and emerging countries with 29 million euros.

  • Press International | 14.12.22

    Homestretch for the UN Biodiversity Conference

    Concluding round of political negotiations at the CBD COP 15 in Montréal starts with the aim of stopping biodiversity loss.

  • Gitarrenrochen im Meer
    Press Species Protection | 25.11.22

    Improved protection for sharks, reptiles and tropical timber

    The Parties to the Convention adopted comprehensive trade restrictions and bans to protect animal and plant species that are threatened as a result of trade, especially marine species, reptiles, amphibians and tropical trees.

  • Weiße Flagge mit COP27-Logo im Wind
    Press International | 20.11.22

    COP27 ends with mixed results following tough negotiations

    The 27th World Climate Conference (COP27) ended in Sharm el-Sheikh. The federal government has called for more ambition in containing the climate crisis and for more solidarity with the countries most affected.

  • Press Climate adaptation | 16.11.22

    COP27: ENACT Initiative announced

    The ENACT initiative, which will coordinate global efforts to address climate change, land and ecosystem degradation, and biodiversity loss through Nature-based Solutions (NbS), was launched at the COP27.

Impressions from Montreal

Luftaufnahme eines Flusses bei einer Bai-Lichtung im Regenwald, Kongo

Germany's core interests

Germany’s main goal for the conference in Montreal is to ensure that the global framework adopted there includes, first, ambitious, measurable targets and, second, effective mechanisms that ensure the targets are monitored and implemented, with appropriate financing.

G20 Flaggen

The road to CBD COP 15

about Strong signal from the EU for the UN Biodiversity Conference

EU Environment Council adopts mandate for ambitious global biodiversity framework

Key issues

Roter Schmetterling auf den weißen Blüten eines Obstbaumes

about Species protection

Frauen beim Einpflanzen von Setzlingen in einer Baumschule in Äthiopien.

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