

Our society places great value on mobility. A well developed infrastructure and flexible, reliable systems of transport are fundamental requirements for a functioning economy. More and more often, however, our mobility, which is based on individual (car) traffic, reaches its limits and comes to a standstill.

Latest on Mobility

Press Mobility | 28.03.23

EU member states pave way for zero-emission cars from 2035

The new regulation of the CO2 fleet limits decided by the EU member states in Brussels is a great step forward for European climate protection.

Windturbinen-Farm in der Nรคhe der Autobahn
Press Climate | 29.06.22

For a climate-neutral European economy

One of the most comprehensive climate protection packages in the history of the EU was launched in Luxembourg. The basis for this is the "Fit for 55 package" of the EU Commission.

Autos ind er Stadt in der Abenddรคmmerung
Press Europe | 17.03.22

Germany supports phasing out combustion engines by 2035

Germany supports the European Commissionโ€™s proposal to limit new registrations of cars and vans to zero-emissions vehicles from 2035 onwards.

Svenja Schulze bei einer Pressekonferenz
Press Climate | 16.03.21

Greenhouse gas emissions fell 8.7 percent in 2020

Around 739 million metric tons of greenhouse gases were released in Germany in 2020 - around 70 million metric tons or 8.7 percent less than in 2019, according to UBA emissions data.

Press Climate | 10.07.20

German government offsetting emissions of all official travel

As in recent years, the German government and federal administration once again offset the entirety of its greenhouse gas emissions incurred through official travel in 2019.

Blaue Fahnen mit gelben Sternen weht im Wind
Press National Climate Initiative | 04.12.19

BMU supports climate action projects across Europe

In the European Climate Initiative's (EUKI) third call for projects, 18 new projects have been selected for funding. The projects cover areas such as municipal climate action, sustainable transport and climate-friendly tourism.

Press Mobility | 13.06.19

Agreement reached: EU-wide CO2 fleet limits for lorries

On 13 June, the Council of the EU member states, supported by Germany, agreed an EU regulation limiting the CO2 emissions of tractors and lorries for the first time.

Franco-German Climate Working Group
Press Europe | 29.05.19

Pathways to climate neutrality

The members of the Meseberg Climate Working Group discussed how to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 in the context of the EU long-term climate strategy.


  • Hydrogen and Power-to-X about

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