Advisory assistance programme
In 2000, the Federal Environment Ministry started the Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) for environmental protection in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and further countries neighbouring the EU.
As a party to international agreements, programmes and initiatives in the area of environmental protection and nature conservation, the German government strives to help achieve a comparably high degree of implementation in the AAP partner countries. This includes, for example, the CBD’s Kunming Montreal Biodiversity Framework and the development of national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs), UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement and revising nationally determined contributions (NDCs), the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, the Environment for Europe process, the Eastern Partnership and the 2030 Agenda. Using the AAP, the aim is to promote implementation of high environmental standards that align with the EU acquis and international agreements and to support EU accession countries in adopting and implementing European environmental law. Through the programme, the Federal Environment Ministry is actively supporting the countries in question and providing needs-based consulting appropriate to the environmental priorities and capacities of each partner country.
The German Environment Agency (UBA) provides technical support for projects as well as administrative management on behalf of the Federal Environment Ministry.
Key priorities and types of measures
With an annual funding volume of around 2.7 million euros, the Federal Environment Ministry has successfully realised over 400 projects since the start of the AAP. The main thematic priorities include water management and water conservation, industrial environmental protection, circular economy, nature conservation and biodiversity.
Regional and bilateral political priorities are set based on the following criteria:
- the strategic significance for environmental policy in the respective country and region
- ambition to join the EU
- the implementation of bilateral treaties and agreements
- transboundary environmental impacts
- the country’s political expression of interest (need for consultation) taking the German government’s political assessments into account
The following AAP measure types are considered here:
- preparing feasibility studies, tender documents, action and management plans, scientific concepts and financing plans
- measures to improve environmental awareness
- drawing up and enforcing laws and regulations
- developing environmental programmes
- strengthening the capacities of the competent authorities
- measures to improve transboundary cooperation
- supporting non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and others, including bolstering and incorporating networks from the scientific community and civil society
- preparatory analyses for new Twinning projects
- in-depth consultation schemes in connection with Twinning projects
- consultations for government institutions at short notice
- data collection and analysis to support environmental protection and nature conservation planning
- preparation, follow-up and processing for research activities on environmental protection and nature conservation
The following activities are considered:
- organising seminars, training programmes, etc.
- the secondment of experts to partner countries
- study trips
- promoting publications