IKI Biodiversity Projects

Through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and its funding area "Biological diversity", the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety specifically supports projects which contribute to achieving the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). German bilateral cooperation with developing, emerging and transition countries is thus being expanded in this area and the realisation of CBD goals supported globally.
Since the start of the IKI in 2008, more than 160 biodiversity-related projects have been launched with a total funding of more than 660 million euros. IKI projects are characterised by their successful creation and use of the best possible synergies between biodiversity and climate action. With its thematic priority "Biological diversity" the IKI supports partner countries in the actual implementation of the Aichi biodiversity targets of CBD's Strategic Plan 2011-2020. The projects should integrate effectively into the biodiversity strategies of the partner countries and supplement other national and international activities. In general, the IKI funds projects which contribute directly to the conservation of globally important ecosystems. This can take the form of designating, expanding or consolidating protected areas or the restoration of habitats. In addition, funding can be granted for investment measures, policy advice, technology transfer and research cooperations. Furthermore, the IKI promotes the involvement of partner countries in the work of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the international scientific advisory body on biological diversity. The country specific and thematic selection of projects is coordinated with the existing international cooperation work of the German government.
Some IKI projects are agreed with partners in developing and emerging countries and others are selected via calls for project ideas. The projects are implemented by federal implementing agencies, government organisations, NGOs, research institutes and international and multinational organisations and institutes, for example United Nations bodies and programmes.