Strengthening synergies between regional fisheries and CITES authorities

Initiative to identify opportunities to strengthen sustainable measures for sharks and rays
Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) initiated the project “Improving synergies between Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs)/Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) and CITES Authorities for the management and conservation of sharks and rays” to improve the protection of marine species and sharks and rays in particular. The project is based on the understanding that RFBs/RFMOs and CITES pursue the same objectives such as the recovery of depleted stocks and legal and sustainable fisheries and trade. However, the joint implementation of these goals is hampered by the fragmented efforts of CITES and the fishery bodies.
The project brings together representatives from governments, regional and international fishery bodies and conservation agencies, the scientific community and experts from NGOs. The goal is to draw up strategies that will more effectively coordinate and implement protection and conservation measures for sharks and rays and open up new opportunities for cooperation between species conservation authorities and fishery bodies at national, regional and international level.
Background studies 2019-2021
In preparation of the initiative, the BMUV und BfN commissioned two studies. One background study assessed the status of CITES-listed shark species as well as threats. The second study is an anonymised international survey of stakeholders to examine the current relationship between fisheries management and species conservation.
Workshops 2021-2023
In 2021, a series of three workshops was launched to initiate a broad debate on the outcomes of the two studies. The workshops served as a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences on current cross-cutting topics. This thematic approach aimed to build bridges between conservation authorities and fishery bodies. In this way, the series was also a forum for consultations. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) had access to all workshop documents and could submit comments and questions. Experts from NGOs were sometimes invited to give presentations or join panels for workshops.
CITES-RFMO Workshop 1: Setting the Scene was held on 8 and 11 November 2021 in two different time zones. At the workshop, participants reviewed the conclusions of the two studies and discussed key tools for sustainable fisheries management including non-detriment findings, introductions from the sea and legal acquisition findings. CITES-RFMO Workshop 2: Developing approaches to improving collaboration was held on 13 July 2022. Based on the findings of the first workshop, participants reviewed the common goals of CITES and RFBs/RFMOs and developed examples of current or future opportunities for closer cooperation.
CITES-RFMO Workshop 3: Potential approaches to improving collaboration was held on 24 February 2023, from 12 to 4.30 p.m. CET. The workshop explored concrete proposals for addressing the issues identified in previous workshops and gauged interest among participants in taking them forward. The workshops were held in English, with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish and French. Written materials were translated into all three languages.
More information
Please note that invitations for participation at the third workshop have been sent out. The number of participants is limited for technical and organisational reasons.
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