Following an invitation by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) representatives of science, industry, environmental associations, government and authorities have met today for an expert dialogue on the opportunities and risks of nanotechnologies in the context of the aquatic environment. At the two-day long conference the discussion will focus on nanotechnological procedures for eliminating pollutants and for avoiding potential risks from nanomaterials in groundwater, surface water and drinking water. Another area of focus will be the regulation of emission sources of nanomaterials and related environmental quality requirements.
The conference on "Nano and the aquatic environment" is part of a series of expert dialogues, the so-called "NanoDialogue" of the German Government. It was established in the context of the German Nano Action Plan under the responsibility of the Federal Environment Ministry as a central national platform for dialogue in 2006. Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary at the Federal Environment Ministry said: "This expert dialog, which is unique in all of Europe, has been an important component of the exchange between important interest groups in society on the opportunities and risks of nanomaterials for 8 years now, thus contributing to a responsible and sustainable handling of this new technology."