Recommendations from the Muliti-Stakeholder Dialogue on the Trace Substance Strategy of the German Federal Government

to policy-makers on options to reduce trace substance inputs to the aquatic environment

| Minutes and reports | Water Management

As a part of preparations for a federal-government strategy to protect the aquatic environment against anthropogenic trace substances, the multi-stakeholder dialogue on a Trace Substance Strategy of the Federal Government was launched at a kick-off event on 7 November 2016. Selection of stakeholders and issues was based on exploratory talks. The rules for the dialogue process were presented and agreed at the kick-off event. In a first dialogue phase up to June 2017, which was professionally managed by Fraunhofer ISI and moderated by IKU GmbH, recommendations to policy-makers were elaborated with the stakeholders; the issues addressed in that phase are to be further concretised in a follow-on phase. The strategy’s purpose is to prevent and reduce inputs of trace substances to the aquatic environment. Guided by the precautionary principle and the polluter pays principle, both of which are enshrined in both EU and German law, and following the risk assessment approaches established in those bodies of law, the stakeholders have developed, in a process of dialogue, practicable and viable solutions. The outcomes of the dialogue process shall contribute to a shared understanding of the technical issues, and the proposal of a package of strategies and measures suited to addressing trace substances at national level.

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