National Water Strategy – Explanatory video

  • Water is the basis of life for nature and people. We need this indispensable resource for daily drinking, for our food production. Water is the basis for everyday hygiene. We use water in industry, for transport and as a source of energy. And for sport and leisure. Yet droughts, water scarcity and pollution are major challenges for our water supply and living environments. In the future, we will increasingly encounter far too little or far too much water. So how do we ensure future access to clean, affordable water anytime and anywhere?

    The German National Water Strategy contains 78 measures to usher in the much-needed water transition. Priority is given to the uninterrupted public supply of clean and affordable drinking water. Clean water bodies and well-purified wastewater are just as vital. We can achieve this through modern wastewater treatment plants that can also remove microplastics and pharmaceutical residues. Better data and forecasts help us identify where water could become scarce. This enables us to prevent droughts and use water where it is most needed.

    We are jointly working on guidelines for dealing with water scarcity. We are developing modern water management. We are continuously updating our water infrastructure and making it climate friendly. This comprehensive water strategy is a joint project of the federal government, the federal states, municipalities, associations and the public. We came together to develop a strategy to protect our water resources. A preventive strategy. Our 2050 mission. So that we always have sufficient water in future. We protect what we value: water. The National Water Strategy.

    Data about the video

    Creation Date:
    Copyright: BMUV
    Duration: 2 Min 14 Sec

National Water Strategy

A crisis-proof strategy for our water

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