Organic waste

Recovering biowaste has become an essential part of recycling. Biowaste constitutes around 30 to 40 percent of municipal waste in Germany. Composting or fermenting of separately collected biowaste helps to improve the share of humus in soil and to replace mineral fertilisers. The recovery of biowaste thus contributes to the sustainable use of resources.
To recover biowaste, a large number of local authorities have introduced the bio-bin for the separate collection of garden and food waste.
The amount of biowaste collected separately has increased sevenfold since the 90s, and this has helped to reduce the volume of household waste considerably. Biowaste is composted or fermented in special facilities and processed to make fertiliser for horticulture and agriculture.
Because biowaste is collected in separate bins, composts from biowaste contain 95 percent less contaminants than composts produced from mixed household waste.
If bio-bins are handled properly, they produce no obnoxious odour and are not infested with flies or maggots even in summer, nor does biowaste increase the health risk for garbage men.