Ambitious phosphate limit values for consumer laundry detergents and consumer automatic dishwasher detergents
Today the Council of the European Union adopted the regulation amending EC Regulation 648/2004 on the use of phosphates and other phosphorus compounds in consumer laundry detergents and consumer automatic dishwasher detergents which was adopted by the European Parliament in a first reading on 14 December 2011. It is expected to enter into force in March 2012.
The Regulation comprises a limitation of phosphates and other phosphorus compounds in consumer laundry detergents by 30 June 2013 and in consumer automatic dishwasher detergents by 1 January 2017. Environmentally friendly substitutes for phosphates are now available and ensure effective cleaning.
In practise the new limit values will lead to an elimination of phosphates from these products. This will not only help improve water quality, it will also reduce cost in sewage treatment plants since expensive phosphate precipitants will no longer be needed.
Federal Environment Minister Dr. Norbert Röttgen outlined: "The new regulation contributes substantially to protecting rivers, lakes coastal waters in the EU. Persistent convincing efforts made it possible to ban phosphates in consumer laundry detergents to EU level, a ban already instituted in Germany through limit values, self-commitment of industry and positive consumer behaviour. Laying down an additional ambitious limit value for consumer automatic dishwasher detergents is a milestone on the road to efficient phosphate-free products in the EU."
Large amounts of phosphates in water lead to excessive nutrient concentrations and thus to massive algae growth and a reduction in oxygen (eutrophication). Consumer laundry detergents and consumer automatic dishwasher detergents are a major cause of surface water pollution with phosphates. In some areas of the EU (e.g. Danube River, Baltic Sea) the differing national limit values in place up to now were inadequate for achieving acceptable water quality levels.
The new limitation regulations are the result of several years of discussions and negotiations which were strongly influenced at international level by the German Environment Ministry in the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) for the protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea area, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube and in Council negotiations at EU level.