What makes a tourism destination in Germany sustainable? What is the best way to plan activities and services that bring nature to life? Two guides, presented today for the first time at the ITB Berlin, provide answers to these questions. Both guides were developed in projects supported by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and funded by the Federal Environment Ministry (BMUB).
Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks made the following statement: "To a degree exceeding almost any other economic sector, tourism depends on an intact natural environment even while it simultaneously impacts that environment. More and more, tourists want vacation spots to manage local environmental and cultural assets responsibly. We want to assist this sector in implementing sustainable development ideas concretely in practice."
President of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Ms Beate Jessel added: "Both guides provide important recommendations for tourism practitioners and decision-makers. They are also the first of their kind. The guides show, for example, how to strengthen cooperation between tourism organisations and nature conservation stakeholders and how to market regional products more successfully in catering, hospitality and hotels. But they also show how to lay the foundations for sustainable and nature-oriented vacations."
The practical guidelines of the German Tourism Association (DTV), "Sustainable Tourism in Germany: Requirements, Recommendations, Implementation" (Nachhaltigkeit im Deutschlandtourismus: Anforderungen, Empfehlungen, Umsetzungshilfen) focus on how tourism destinations can become more sustainable. The document presents 40 criteria divided into eight fields of action that take into account ecological, economic and social aspects of sustainable tourism. Within these fields, the guide provides implementation recommendations and checklists of ideas for tourism decision-makers on how to contribute, for example, to nature conservation and landscape protection as well as how to support the economic development of the region, local quality of life and fair participation for the local people.
The second guide is addressed to decision-makers at nature parks, national parks and UNESCO biosphere reserves, as well as their tourism partners, such as restaurants and hotels. With their guide "Bringing fascination with nature to life" (Faszination Natur erlebbar machen), the Association of German Nature Parks (Verband Deutscher Naturparke) and EUROPARC Deutschland provide recommendations for planning nature experiences and services that bring the great outdoors to life, for example ranger-facilitated tours. The guide is also intended to improve cooperation between protected areas and their regional partners, for example in the development of new products, services and projects related to nature tourism.