Germany supports Global Atlas for Solar and Wind Energy
The first prototype of a Global Atlas for Solar and Wind Energy was presented in London today. The Atlas, a project initiated also by Germany, is currently being developed with German participation. The Atlas was presented at a senior level international energy conference organised by Great Britain and the US at which energy ministers and senior government officials of the major emitting countries discussed the international promotion of low carbon energy sources.
The Global Atlas links existing data bases on solar and wind energy worldwide and provides free access through a web portal. The portal provides information for users from politics, industry and science. The Atlas data are aimed at facilitating the increased expansion of renewable energies and the opening of new markets worldwide. Under the auspices of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) the project will be expanded over the coming years. The Atlas will thus serve as a vital tool on the path towards the global age of renewables.
The Global Atlas for Solar and Wind Energy is the result of successful multi-lateral cooperation. Initiated by the governments of Germany, Denmark and Spain under the coordination of IRENA, the Atlas is currently being developed by research institutes such as the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and other international organisations are also involved in this endeavour.
At the third Clean Energy Ministerial in London countries such as the US, Australia, France, India, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, the Unites Arab Emirates and Great Britain expressed their support for the Global Atlas for Solar and Wind Energy.