Experts from 80 countries discuss NDC strategies in Berlin
At the invitation of Germany, experts from 80 countries are discussing steps to implement the Paris Agreement starting today. The nationally determined contributions that each country has committed to are at the centre of the discussions. From 3 to 5 May 2017, 250 participants are coming together in Berlin to discuss how these contributions can be realised and what institutions, funding or investments are necessary to do so. Procedures with which the parties can report their individual reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to the United Nations are another item on the agenda.
Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks commented "The nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are at the heart of the Paris Agreement. It is crucial that the contributions are made more and more ambitious over time. To this end, we intend to exchange opinions and experiences, learn from one another, and, above all, support the countries of the South as we pledged in Paris. We will not leave our partners alone to face this major challenge."
The Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Ministry for Economic Development jointly launched the international NDC Partnership in Morocco six months ago. It is intended to improve knowledge transfer on the implementation of the NDCs. This conference is one contribution to this aim.
In addition, the BMUB currently supports 550 projects globally through its International Climate Initiative (IKI) with about 2.2 billion euros. One of the aims is to enable especially affected countries to develop and implement their own climate action strategies.
The Berlin NDC Conference 2017 is organised by the GIZ, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the US Low Emission Development Strategy Global Partnership (LEDS GP).