Opening of the 12th UN Climate Change Conference in Nairobi
On the occasion of the opening of the 12th Climate Change Conference in Nairobi, Federal Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel stated:
"Climate change is taking place, and it is progressing much more rapidly than scientists had assumed. The good news is: We can do something against climate change and at the same time achieve economic growth. If we do not act, the costs of climate change will be an unacceptable burden on our economy. This has just been impressively underlined by the Stern report. In the next 10 to 15 years we have to reverse the current emissions trend in order to limit the global increase in temperature to 2 degrees Celsius and to deal with the consequences of inevitable climate change. In Nairobi, the international community has to face the implications of these facts and act accordingly."
"By 2009, the international community must agree on a follow-up regime post 2012 on the basis of the Kyoto Protocol, including all major emission sources. By 2007, we want to agree on a negotiating mandate. In order to achieve this, we have to lay the groundwork in Nairobi."
"This negotiating mandate must contain attractive elements to motivate all states to participate in a future climate protection regime. At the same time, it has to provide a framework for the future contributions of states. Historical responsibility, the level of development, per capita emissions and the potential to mitigate emissions are criteria which serve to differentiate the contributions of individual states."
"Climate change particularly affects those countries that have contributed least to it and that are least able to handle its effects. In Nairobi, we have to help these countries to deal with the consequences of climate change. The adaptation fund that was established under the Kyoto Protocol has to quickly provide support for concrete projects."