Ordinance Enforcing Provisions contained in Legal Acts of the European Community regarding the Shipment of Waste

Ordinance on Fines for Waste Shipments

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The Ordinance on Fines for Waste Shipments covers regulatory offences in accordance with Regulation (EC) Number 1013/2006 and Regulation (EC) Number 1418/2007. The empowerment to issue an ordinance on fines and the fines are set out in the Waste Shipment Act. 

The Federation/Länder Working Group on Waste (LAGA) adopted a catalogue of fines for regulatory offences committed in relation to the shipment of waste. The German text of the catalogue of fines is available on the internet at LAGA's website under “Publikationen / Informationen”. 

Ordinance on Fines for Waste Shipments of 29 July 2007 (in German) (Federal Law Gazette BGBl. I page 1761), last amended by Section 3 of the Act of 1 November 2016 (Federal Law Gazette BGBl. I, page 2452).

Update Date: 04.10.2019

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