Environment Minister Altmaier: New Chapter in UN Environment Policy

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The Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) convened in Nairobi on 18-22 February, 2013 in a first ever universal session.

Upgrading of UN Environment Programme

The Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) convened in Nairobi on 18-22 February, 2013 in a first ever universal session. Based on the Rio+20 decisions of June 2012, all UN members were for the first time entitled to vote, instead of only 58.

The Governing Council, which will in future be the central UN body for environment issues, recommended having its title changed to United Nations Environment Assembly, UNEA. The UN General Assembly will have to adopt this change in the forthcoming weeks.

On 22 February, 2013 the current Governing Council also adopted clearly enhanced decision-making procedures for UNEP. The United Nations Environment Assembly, which will convene every two years as from 2014, is to be enabled to establish priorities for global environment policy, to support the UN system with environment policy advice and to react to new challenges with future-oriented decisions.

"The Nairobi reform package strengthens the voice of the environment", commented Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier. "If the UN General Assembly agrees to this package, this will be the start of a new UN environment policy chapter", Altmaier said.

"This is a very important step", stressed Jochen Flasbarth, German head of delegation and President of the German Environment Agency. "Upgrading the status of UNEP was long overdue. When UNEP was founded more than 40 years ago environmental protection did not play a major role globally. The structures introduced at that time have now finally been adapted to new requirements and UNEP has thus been significantly enhanced".

The Governing Council also adopted important decisions on green economy, chemicals and waste policy and on sustainable consumption and production patterns.

08.03.2013 | Report Bilateral Cooperation

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