Livestream am Donnerstag, 16.01. ab 12:00 Uhr: Pressekonferenz mit Steffi Lemke zur Umweltkriminalität
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Kommuniqué des G8-Umwelt- und Entwicklungsministertreffens

18. März 2005 in Derbyshire, Großbritannien

| Protokolle und Berichte | Nachhaltigkeit · Internationales

Auszug aus dem Dokument: "The Environment and Development Ministers of the G8 countries, with the European Commissioners responsible for the environment and development, the EU Presidency and senior officials from the United Nations, World Bank and IUCN met from 17 to 18 March 2005 in Derbyshire. We discussed two themes: actions to tackle illegal logging and the impact of climate change on African development. We had the benefit of discussions with civil society representatives."

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